Thursday, February 1, 2007

knowledge of good and evil

Did the apple contain all the knowledge?
Was the apple magic?
When he bit into it, did it all wisdom come from a fucking piece of fruit?

I think not!

Foolish mortals!

We were made in the creators image
The knowledge was there
It had to be there
Buried deep

And then
A means
A meathod
Some one turned on the light
And now we know.

It's like never seeing a sunset
Or a butterfly
How do you know of the beauty and inspiration of those things
How they might change your life

The ability to change is all ready there
The ability to know Good
And to know Evil
What will be your apple?


Allan said...

Ray Charles never saw a sunset and he wrote some beautiful songs. It's on the blind spot of the beholder, I suppose.

anony mouse? muse? said...

again I ask, what will be your apple?

Allan said...

I am my own apple.