Monday, May 14, 2007

Self examination
Self exploration
Who am I?
I am not who I want to be
I am not what they expect of me

Unwillingness to really be
Unsatisfied with the person inside my skin
Unable to admit it out loud

Just let go
Fall fully
Fall deep
To let go
to fall
is to fly
allowing myself
to be me
allowing myself
to be consumed by it all
and see where it goes
to see if it ends
or it just begins from there
not conforming
not denying
not doing things half way
not holding on to the past
or to other's ideas
willing to admit
and just be me


SIMON said...

You have to be yourself you can't ever be what other people want you to be. Be yourself you will like what you find!
This is lovely writing.
Thanks for visiting my new site, you are so welcome.

~d said...

I identify.

Hal said...

I identify, too.

Anonymous said...


This is a fine piece.

Thank you.

Trée said...

I like the last line best of all. It is "you" I want to know, just you, naked, raw, honest, open. Tell you what, I'll meet you half way. :-)

wallycrawler said...

I loved it , or is that them ?

Bugwit said...

I hear ya, Ms. Mouse. Nice work.