Monday, May 21, 2007

things i love

Once upon a time
On a blog not so far away, Dan read a post of mine. This post talked about things that really .... well the picture that captioned the post was that of a bloody knife.

Ya, things that make me mad, or otherwise fucking disgust me.

So anyway, in the comment, back a long time ago, this guy Dan being a positive sort of guy, asked me to write about things I love.

I did write a few things on that other blog, but there are a few thing I just can't put there, for fear of retribution --- Just ask Dannypleasedontgo -- who's link I cant even give you 'cause it is now set to private do to his work situation.

So, here are a few of the things i love... sorry it's all about sex


I love to ware tight jean, the kind the rub against me and stimulate me when I walk.

I love riding an old motorcycle that vibrates to high hell, I love the way the bike feels between my legs and how I have to control every muscle in my 125# body to keep the bad boy up.

I love to ware my glowing necklace with a low cut shirt-- because men then have an excuse to look at my breasts

I love beautiful woman. The kind that are beautiful inside and out. Not the classic beauty -- but the beauty that walks with confidence into a room. I love talking with them and smiling at them and making them feel uncomfortable.

I love when a sexy man leans in close to me and talks softly in my ear.

I love when I can still smell his cologne after he walks away

Actually, I love to pass a man who's cologne reminds me of some one I had a great encounter with.

I love to be shaved by my partner

I love to flirt online with witty articulate people-- men mostly-- woman don't seem to want to flirt with me. I think they think I'm a man.

I love the way (most) gay men dance.

I love it when a man out of my league finds me attractive and pays attention to me in a crowd.

I have to admit, I cleaned this up pretty well! You should have read the first draft


SIMON said...

Well you are quite something, anonymouse! That's a great post and thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

It's been a real pleasure reading your archived posts tonight, Anonymouse - and of this latest one, about the things you love.

I always have trouble writing about what I love. It's so much easier to write about the dark and the bad.

Maybe the devil has the best tunes. I don't know...

This was a great tune, though. An excellent post. :)

Annie Wicking said...

Sex sell, I suppose...
Write about things you know and I guess you have.

Welcome to the world of Blogging. Anonymouse and don't be shy.

Best wishes


anony mouse? muse? said...

Ebezp, thanks

winters -- the devil-- maybe i'll write about this next time
annie- tanks for your visit. I take it you did not enjoy my post-- and that is fine. many woman are uncomfortable being honest about sex, as I can be when I am in the real world-- that is why i must be anonymouse.

Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, Interesting website.