Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The one that got away

In my dreams
You’re so real
And the memory of you
Is so perfect
It makes me wish
I could sleep forever
Your dark hair
Your bright eyes
The smile that years ago warmed me to my toes

I know it's not real
I know you are not the man of my dreams
But oh if you were

I would have built a city for you
Gold and silver
Brandy and perfume
You would have wanted for nothing
You would have been a god
My god

It’s not who you were
It’s not who I am
But the idea of it all fills my dreams
still to this day

Your soft smooth skin
Your strong hands
The idea of an ideal
Still ‘til this day
Haunts me
and my dreams
And inevitably
Makes me smile


SIMON said...

Dreams, fantasy, truth? I like it all in the mind or not!

Judy said...

Hmmmmm..... Did I start something...? ; )

How sweet and precious memories can be.

Wonderfully written, Mouse.

anony mouse? muse? said...

Wiz...well, I had that dream...i wasnt going to write about it... but yes.. I had to after yours.. thank you!

Bugwit said...

Wow. This feeling is very strong for me right now. Someone very special got away from me. The ambitions I had...the fantasies...the desire and the joy.

But it stepped just out of reach.