Sunday, January 6, 2008

don't be so vein to think
that my sinfulnessand my desires are wrapped up in you

do be so ridicules to thinkthat my sinister lust
longs for your touch

you think be cause i need
that my need is of you, for you

and if i choose to wrap my legs around someone
and burn
why should i choose you

what gives you the right to believe
that you are all that

how could you possibly be
anything to me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Sordid Lawsuit Shakes the Satmar Chasidic world .

Brooklyn N.Y. Lezer ( Louis ) Kestenbaum chairman of the ODA in Williamsburg Brooklyn NY resigned from the ODA soon after settling a lawsuit filed in May in U.S. District Court for the District of Florida for an undisclosed sum alleging he had a sexual relationship with a minor, Joel Kestnbaum the son of Louis kestenbaum will become chairman of the ODA