Sunday, April 8, 2007

If it weren't for lust I don't think life would be worth living

Passion and lust are about the only things that keep me going anymore
And why shouldn't they?
Why shouldn't I live my life filled with passion

They tell me its not right
I'm no longer a child
You hear it over and over again

and yes I lust
i lust over what i can have
and i take it
i lust over what i can not have
and burn
and obsess
and sometimes i move on...
at least for a while
and other times...
I grin in the middle of the day just to think of the object of my desire

I wish i had more time to allow it to comsueme me
i think i would be better at everything if i lived in lust and passion
but the world is so afraid of emotion
they want notheing to do with it
no me
i will live in the extreem and see where it takes me
If I crash I can at least say i lived


SIMON said...

This sounds quite corny but it is better to have loved and lust than never to have loved (and lusted) at all.
Nice 1 anonymouse.
I'm linking you at mine ok!

anony mouse? muse? said...

thank you for the like :)

anony mouse? muse? said...

link.. i ment link

SIMON said...

I like that's why I link!
U can still E mail me if you want you know!

Bugwit said...

I decided something like that a while back. Not sure how that decision is going... :-)

When did you come to this philosophy?

(pardon me for passing on the obvious pun!)

anony mouse? muse? said...

When Bugwit? Well it wasnt a decision, it is just that way with me. It would be like changing my eye color-- can be done on the outside, but it is only on the outside. It is difficult when the world talks about LOVE and LOVE can be something so different... comfortable, but sometimes not much more

Bugwit said...

Regarding passion: I've had such a passionless life for the last 20 years due my very conservative surroundings. I was an accountant and now an insurance agent. My wife and her family are very personally conservative (read tight-assed) and I had just had enough of that and needed more. It isn't my nature. So, I sort of came to a decision to allow myself some passion and life outside of all that. Results are mixed. Now I'm being forced to choose between passion and my environment.

Can I not be me (change my eye color as you say)?